More information on the values of the OBO world


At OBO, we treat each other fairly and respectfully. Team spirit, mutual understanding and a considerate atmosphere are important to us. This not only applies to our employees, but also to our customers, business partners and everyone else.


As the OBO Bettermann group of companies, we acknowledge our social responsibility in the framework of our corporate activities. This particularly concerns working conditions, social and environmental compatibility, human rights and dialogue with all the people involved in the business process. We pledge ourselves to the principles of the United Nations' Charter of Human Rights, to the core working standards of international employment organisations and to other international obligations and industrial standards.


We live variety and the differences between our employees are one of our strengths. Their different competencies, perspectives and experience all form the basis for innovation and further development and help us to understand the requirements of our customers around the world. Respect, tolerance and solidarity are the hallmarks of our corporate culture. 


Our employees are our most cherished item and our trainees represent our future. This is why we offer numerous entry-level and higher-level career opportunities. The offer of training opportunities is as wide-ranging as the OBO product spectrum.

Sustentabilidade social

Consideramo-nos parte da sociedade, a nível regional, nas nossas respetivas unidades, bem como a nível mundial. O nosso objetivo é ajudar a moldar esta sociedade, agora e no futuro. Conseguimos isto não só com os nossos produtos e as nossas ferramentas de serviço digitais, mas também através do nosso compromisso social multifacetado. Enquanto empresa a OBO promove, em conjunto com os colaboradores, diversos projetos e iniciativas sociais em todo o mundo.

Defendemos estes valores:

  • Justiça 
  • Responsabilidade
  • Diversidade
  • Orientada para o futuro

Empresa Justa


A iniciativa Empresa Justa é a maior iniciativa de empregadores na Alemanha. Reconhece as empresas que oferecem aos jovens condições de trabalho justas, atrativas e que promovem o seu desenvolvimento.


Os nossos projetos OBO – sustentabilidade social